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We believe in the power of storytelling and the importance of diverse voices in literature. Our mission is to provide a platform for select authors and content providers to share their contributions around the world via print and digital media.

Spying on Success

Over twenty-five years of Competitive Intelligence experience in one easily read book.
Spying on Success
Michael Schrenk's website

Competitive Intelligence is the ability to find actionable intelligence when everyone else hears noise. It’s the science of crafting unintentional communication into Competitive Advantages or an early warning of upcoming challenges.

Spying on Success represents twenty-five years of experience in developing and managing Competitive Intelligence campaigns for: Fortune 500 Companies, Silicon Valley Start-ups, Foreign Governments, Law Enforcement, and Investigative Journalist.

Competitive Intelligence Playlist
(Updated regularly)
Look inside Spying on Success

Developing Bots with Selenium Python

From the author of "Webbots, Spiders, and Screen Scrapers"
Using the techniques in this book, there is no website that you can't scrape, test, or automate. Any website! This means you'll be able to tackle a wide variety of projects, ranging from:
  • Test Engineering,
  • Automation of routine online tasks,
  • Competitive Intelligence,
  • Data Journalism,
  • Data/Metadata collection, and
  • Data Warehousing.
Michael Schrenk's website
Look inside Developing Bots with Selenium Python

The Nonlinear Planner

Because one day is not like the next.
Other planners and calendars assume that every day, every week, and every month is just like the last one. But, in reality, we know that one day is not like the next. Some days are busier, one day generates more notes, and another day requires more planning. Traditional planners are rigid and unyielding to your lifestyle; and expect you to pack your life into a predefined space, even though the volume of notes, planning, and scheduling changes from week-to-week, and day-to-day

The Nonlinear Planner is different because its pages can be used either as a weekly, or daily planner. So, one week, one day, or one idea, can span as many pages as required. The Nonlinear Planner is also not annual, so you can start a new planner any time of year. Simply find the month template that starts on the correct day of the week, and go from there.

The Nonlinear Planner isn’t just the planner you take to meetings, but the one you put: in your backpack, on your nightstand, and fully integrate into your life.

Look inside The Nonlinear Planner

Upcoming releases

Spying on Success:Objectives, Tactics, and Sources
Available Now...!
Developing Bots with Selenium PHP
Q3 2024
Developing Bots with Selenium Python
Q3 2024



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